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Re: front alignment

To: mbullard@verizon.net (Mark Bullard)
Subject: Re: front alignment
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2004 23:50:49 -0700 (PDT)
Mark---It sounds like the wheel that's "crooked" may just need the tie
rod adjusted. (altho this adjustment shouldn't have been disturbed with
the rebuild)

If you want to do this yourself, it's not difficult. IF your steering
wheel (spokes) was once centered before you started the suspension
rebuild, simply place the steering wheel so as to point the front wheels
straight ahead.

IF the steering wheel was never pointed "straight ahead", write back and
I'll include these steps.

Meanwhile, let's assume that one wheel is correct and one is "out". 
Measure across the front of these two tires, then across the back of
these two tires. 
Take these measurements at the tires sidewalls, near their midpoint. 
Adjust the tie rod on this side to get the front tires 1/8" closer
together at the front of the tires than at the rear of these tires.

You can take these measurements using a string gauge, jacks stands, and
a fine scale.  Or a large vernier, made up from 2x2's in the form of a
(obviously) long, capital "F".  Not all that hard to make, and you get
to keep this "gauge" for a lifetime!

If all or any of this is more than you want to deal with, just get the
wheels close, and drive the car to the Island Bear Alignment Shop.


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