Pat, et al:
Here's some excellent commentary I received from RazorBob, which I am
circulating to the list for posterity, regarding thrust washer check and
signs of wear...
"...GEN speaking,if when u push clutch in,the RPMs drop then washers
need replaceing.What happens is the clearences in the washers have open
up to the point that the crank 'walks' to the front of eng when clutch
is IN,and this puts crank and rods at a slight angle,thus,binding rods
and crank movement in rotation"
and this...
"...A drop of 50/100 RPM is ok,anymore that that and its time to drop
the pan..."
Needless to say, running with excessive thrust washer wear can
accelerate wear on the rest of the bottom end.
He additionally advises that in an effort to minimize thrust washer
wear, it is best to not sit at red lights with the clutch depressed.
'76 CF51563U (in hibernation 'till May)