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RE: VTR Hillclimb

To: "'Robert M. Lang'" <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Subject: RE: VTR Hillclimb
From: "R. Ashford Little II" <ralittle2@mindspring.com>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 13:59:53 -0500
Bob, it's funny that you mention dragging your car down to Tallahassee,
so here's the link of when and why to go.


The is for the 2004 Southeast VTR Regionals in Tallahassee.  I urge any
of my brethren who live in the great white north to think about coming
down to Tallahassee to thaw out in April.

R. Ashford Little II

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert M. Lang [mailto:lang@isis.mit.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 11:10 AM
To: R. Ashford Little II
Subject: Re: VTR Hillclimb

On Wed, 29 Oct 2003, R. Ashford Little II wrote:

> Congrats on your victory at the VTR Hillclimb.  Knocking off J.K.
> Jackson is certainly an accomplishment few can claim.  I just wish I
> been there to see it.  Hopefully I'll bump into you in Richmond.

Thanks for the kind words. To be honest, I was quite surprised that I
JK on the hillclimb. I figured I'd get him on raw time in the autocross,
but that's just because my car is probably 400 pounds lighter than his
other words, if I hadn't beaten him I'd have been surprised (or had a
really bad day).

In a way, I wished he'd had the "20" car there so we'd be on the same
"turf". Some day I hope to drag my car down to Tallahasee and get him to
drag that car out. Even if I loose, it'd be fun to see that car again
car is insanely fast).

I have my fingers crossed for Richmond on '04. Fingers are crossed
I hope to go to the SCCA Solo II Nationals in September - so all other
events are lower priority. But I'll put the odds of me being at VTR as
90%, odds with me and my street TR6 at 90%, me and the race car at 70%
me and both cars at 50%. I'm working on getting some "support" for the
trip. :-)
> Cheers,
> R. Ashford Little II
> www.geocities.com/ralittle2

C ya,
Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
Consultant            MIT unix-vms-help        |
Voice:617-253-7438    FAX: 617-258-9535        |

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