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Commercial Messages - my 2 cents

To: "6pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Commercial Messages - my 2 cents
From: "Ken Davis" <ken.davis@comcast.net>
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2003 09:24:37 -0700
I'm a daily lurker in 6-pack.

I think there are 2 levels of 'commercial messages'; the first is those from
the big 3 - or 4, and the 2nd from members.

The former should be prohibited, we all know who they are, how to get their
catalogs, how to order parts.

  I like to read the latter messages, I like to hear of the inventiveness of
LBC owners, the things they build, the parts they have no use for anymore
(but someone else might), the cars for sale, either theirs or the ones they
know about.   To me, this is part of the mystique and joy of owning a '6.
Sometimes I've bought things, sometimes I've sold things, sometimes I've
just clicked 'delete'.  It's important that we - collectively - know of
what's up, who's inventing, who's got what -- these cars are anywhere from
25-35 years old and a vanishing breed.   Without the input, dedication and
work of the garage-bench inventor,   we must only rely on the big 3, and
let's face it, these guys are not known for their inventiveness or

73  TR6

So San Francisco

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