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Re: Light Switch

To: john.zimmerman@dpg.com (Zimmerman, John)
Subject: Re: Light Switch
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 15:43:58 -0700 (PDT)
John---Like many who have owned their TR's for a long time, the light
switch was replaced, (when still under factory warranty) with the Lucas.
Both the wood and metal fascia had to be altered for this wider switch,
as Vance said. Mine happened to come with a nylon latch that secured the
switch to the back of the fascia. This "keeper" was a real bear to
spread and remove/reinstall when I had to replace the Lucas again 25
years later. The idea of a press-fit switch would've sounded pretty good
to me  couple of years ago!

A little plug here for TRF. They were out of new switches when I ordered
one, but John Swauger took one out of a parts car to tide me over.
Thought that was most generous of him to do that. Acts like this keep me
going back to this company, in spite of their on-going stocking


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