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No TR content, just a celebration ( and a question )

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: No TR content, just a celebration ( and a question )
From: "steve bridge" <slbridge@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2003 14:35:27 +0000
Hello Listers,
    I took my bastard child MG out for the first time yesterday.  It is a 
'73 Midget with a Datsun 210 engine and 5 speed using various Rivergate 
parts.  The car is really fun to drive and I tried to make the Datsun motor 
look English by painting the valve cover green and gluing a " Austin" ID tag 
over the embossed "Datsun" on the valve cover.  " Oh, you put the aluminum 
head on your 1275" was a common intiial response followed by "What the heck 
is this thing"?

    Though I had idled the motor for hours while the car was in production, 
it never overheated or boiled over until I drove it.  I suspect the problem 
to be the thermostat I never changed.  I let it cool off while I read the 
latest Sports Car Market, then drove to the grocery store before going home. 
  Then in my right-brained way, I forgot I had a problem and hot-rodded 
around for another  hour only to overheat again.  I noticed right away and 
shut if off, again... The car still runs great, so I don't think I hurt 
anything... what a spacecadet!

   My fuel gauge was pegged out so I unplugged the wires at the tank and it 
is still pegged out.    A short in between?

Ideas on my probems?   No mental jokes, please.

SD Steve

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  • No TR content, just a celebration ( and a question ), steve bridge <=