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Oil on underside of bonnet

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Oil on underside of bonnet
From: "Paula J. Graffam" <pjgraffam@juno.com>
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 13:04:52 -0400

I've developed a problem with oil lightly spattering onto part of my
alternator and especially on underside of hood.  Along with that I have a
distinctive noise from the front of the engine that resembles a bad
forward valve but I don't think so.  

I've tried to find the leak by revving the engine and looking for any oil
coming out but no luck.  There's no oil dripping.  There's no oil coming
from the valve cover.   Could I have a bad water pump?  How would that
explain the oil?  Scratching my head and of course, worrying.  Any advice
is welcomed.

Al Graffam  74 TR6  CT. 


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