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TR250 vibration

To: "6pack (E-mail)" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: TR250 vibration
From: Andrew Packard <apackard68@comcast.net>
Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2003 23:56:39 -0400
I put my TR250 back together today thanks to the timely delivery of parts by 
BPNW on Friday.  I installed uprated (33%) rear springs with stock ride height, 
poly-u spring pads, and full poly-u differential mounts.  Compared to the stock 
diff mounts, the BPNW are far sturdier, as several people had advised me.  I 
would say that if you have strong differetial mounting posts (well reinforced 
in front) poly-u mountings have got to be the best option.  I'm not sure what 
the down side would be.  

I took a 75 mile cruise tonight and my vibration completely disappeared.  
Replacing the busted mount really did the trick.  And pulling away with the 
uprated springs was great, too.  Almost no rear-end squat.  I'm sure that my 35 
year old stock springs had sagged some.  With the new ones installed, it really 
made a difference.  

This was my first experience with BPNW, but I thought they were very pleasant 
and helpful on the phone and kept their delivery promise so that I could get my 
car on the road over the weekend.  Highly recommended!


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