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OD and 90W gear oil, don't use it!!!

To: "Web_disscusion List" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: OD and 90W gear oil, don't use it!!!
From: "Richard Seaton" <rsh17@msn.com>
Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 10:03:06 -0500
Hey guys,

  I'm having my A type OD and tranny rebuilt by John Esposito at
Quantumechanics and found out the OD was abused with the use of 90W gear oil.
Seems the heavy weight gear oil puts a lot of strain on the annulus and oil
pump plunger, +$300 and $88 respectively. Can you say hurt me baby!!!!! I'll
have over $1600 on the rebuild, ouch, but that's the way the OD crumbles! That
does include a $200 conversion to steel bushings.
  I guess the DPO (that doesn't stand for Dreaded previous owner, but.....)
figured that since most trannies recommend 90W, it was OK to use it in an OD
too. So if you have an OD tranny with 90W gear oil get that out of there. John
recommends Non detergent 30W, and mentioned that synthetics have a tendency to

Richard Seaton
View My restoration @ (http://groups.msn.com/Richards69TR6Restoration)

  Hope to see some of you here in Bowling Green, KY for the TRials. Where part
of my car will be there, unless I get really crazy and bring the body too.
Does any one who is going have any interest in seeing a repaired body off the

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