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Best deal on warrantied, refurbed diff??

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Best deal on warrantied, refurbed diff??
From: "Kronberg, Peter" <peter.kronberg@hp.com>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 19:45:50 -0500
Hey All,
Okay, okay...it was sooo pleasant to just sit back, read TR6 list
traffic and just go blithely along...with the top down and the wind in
my hair...
Unfortunately, it's time to pay my dues as an LBC owner. Geez, it's only
been 2 months!! OK...so this has been in the works for awhile...

So, time to size up the job. TRF wants *gulp* $1200 for a warrantied,
refurbed diff. Anyone recommend an alternative source for a more
affordable fee? I'm already staring down the barrel of a diff mount
refit which has to happen also...

Thanks in advance,


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