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Ignition timing-30 BTDC ?

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Ignition timing-30 BTDC ?
From: "TR6 Triumph" <tr6_1969@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 16:20:21 +0000
Hi All,

I suppose it is time I chime in.  First I want to remind everyone thatin 
terms of IC engines, combustion is more of a burn than a bang.  It does not 
convert the energy all at once like an explosion.  It takes some time.  That 
is why ATDC settings sacrifice certain characteristics of an Internal 
Combuestion engine such as ours.

As someone else wrote, I too have my timing set far in advance (likely 25 to 
30 BTDC): way off the scale.  And when it revs I can't even imagine.  I have 
always timed my engines by sound and feel.  I'd first set it based upon 
idle.  Then I'd take a happy 30 or 40 minute drive and make some 
adjustments.  No pinging has always been critical for me.  And I like a 
smooth idle too.  Mine idle is set at around 700 rpm, my engine is 
significantly above stock power due to its internal modification, and it 
runs great.

Well, the funny thing is that after the last thread on ignition timing 
(about a month ago) I brought my timing light from my storage space (located 
in MD) to my car (in PA).  I tried to adjust the ignitioin as per the 
general consensus of the list.  The car never sounded or drove worse.  I 
even got worried (as I had been working on some other things at the same 
time, which I generally tend to NOT due in order to keep the newly 
introduced variable to 1).  Well, after a few hours I threw the timing light 
aside and grabbed the distributor, as I have always done.  I swung it back 
and forth a few times to make sure I had forgotten where it was and I set it 
by sound.  I took my drive and within 15 minutes my car sounded and drove 
fantastically.  When I returned I found that the timing was WAYY far in 
advance and I happily left it there.

Am I overlooking something or is there something that could possibly be 
detrimental to have the timing so far in advance?

I have also done some testing in terms of adjusting the timing and checking 
the temperature at idle.  I hate it when the needle rises above halfway 
(which on my car is 180).  I have a summer thermostat in the car (165) and 
when idling the needle now goes to just above halfway.

Dave Herbert


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