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Dash pad removal...

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Dash pad removal...
From: "Joseph Grant" <z28quetzal@mindspring.com>
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 00:39:59 -0400

I was hoping somebody might shed some light on the Dash Pad on TR6's.  I
have a '71 TR6 I just bought and I am taking it apart to restore.  My
situation is a little peculiar because the guy I bought it from decided to
start 'fixing it up' - you know how that goes.  Cosmetic changes, but
nothing else.  Fortunately I stopped him before he even got started, however
the 'new' thing he put on the car was a new dash pad.

For the life of me I cannot figure out how to take the dash pad off.  It
seems to be glued in place, but I try to remove it and nothing is happening.
In order for me to remove it, I'm afraid it will need to be destroyed.  Are
these readily available items?

Any info would be appreciated.



PS:  I tried to do a Search in the archives.  However, no matter what I try
to search for, I always come up with zero results.  Am I missing something
about doing searches?

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