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Re: Gear Reduction Starter - Installation Question

To: Gameparker@cs.com
Subject: Re: Gear Reduction Starter - Installation Question
From: Dave & Marlene <rusd@velocitus.net>
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2003 19:48:36 -0600

There are two options;

Remove the stock solenoid, connect battery & starter button wires to the
built in solenoid on the new starter

-- or--

Leave the stock solenoid & wiring as is & connect a built in jumper to
energize the built in solenoid when the starter gets power from the
original solenoid.

Although it puts two sets of solenoid contacts in series, I chose the
second method because the original battery cable & starter switch wires
were not long enough to reach to the new starter.

In theory the direct connection to the new starter would be best. In
practice either way works fine.

Dave Russell

Gameparker@cs.com wrote:
> List, 
> for those of you with gear reduction starters:  was it necessary to "jump" 
> the solenoid and connect it to the positive terminal or not.  By the 
> instructions that came with the starter (britishstarters.com - NFI), I still 
>am in the 
> dark as to whether I should be doing this or not.
> Thanks in Advance
> Geoff Parker
> 74 TR6

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