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Speedo needle floats

To: 6pack@autox.team.net, triumphs@autox.team.net
Subject: Speedo needle floats
From: "James_ TR6" <jattr6@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 17:55:04 +0000
i thin this has been a discussion in the past, however i do not remember 
when to pin point a search.

I have a floating speedo needle, i think i know what prompted this, but 
wanted to see what others
have done/suggest. I just installed a new EGR counter, but it should be 
fine. That might be what is causing the needle to float, I don't know 
though. It floats with between 10-15 mile increments while driving at 
highway speed. I am guessing the correct speed is somewhere in the middle of 
the float.
But the darn thing has been dead on in the past.

I had this problem once before on a road trip through New York. One of their 
finest pulled me over
and didn't care if my speedo was acting up. He just knew that he could get 
$100 for a tiny 6 or 7 miles over the limit!!! Grrrrr!!!! still bitter to 
this day! Mainly because others were flying past me just seconds earlier! I 
fixed it somehow, not sure if I can remember now.

anyway, is there any words of wisdom?


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