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Re: Defective Cam - Resolution

To: Bob Fabie <RFabie@erols.com>
Subject: Re: Defective Cam - Resolution
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 10:43:59 -0400 (EDT)

Just as a frame of reference (for the "defective cam/lifter" discussion),
heard muttered at Mosport a week or so ago:

"they've always had that problem, Triumph cams getting hammered..."

This was from an excellent source.

So, as I have said before on this list - make sure you run-in the cam
right (start engine, no throttle blipping, raise engine to about 2000 or
2500 and hold steady there for 20 min... shut engine down, drain and
replenish oil and filter). Also assume that you've used lots of cam lube
in the assembly process.

If you do all that and your cam croaks in 5000 miles of less, then you
have another problem (e.g. soft lifter, bad cam grind, too much
spring pressure, etc.).

Bob (800 emails while on vacation for 5 days) Lang |
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