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van den Akker conversion tranny

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: van den Akker conversion tranny
From: "Paula J. Graffam" <pjgraffam@juno.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 12:24:57 -0500

After a couple of months of driving my Celica conversion my over-all
non-technical reaction centers on two of my favorite gears: third and

  Third gives me the feeling I can out-run any Honda around ( which
everyone knows I can't).  And fifth @ 40mph ( I know it's slow) puts my
fairly reliable tach reading @ 1700 rpms and with a slight tail wind will
give me pretty good gas milage on long trips this season.   

I recieved Herman's latest revision on his installation manuel.  If
anyone would like a clean copy, let me know and I will gladly mail it to
you.  I have no financial interest.

Regards from CT at 30 degrees and climbing !!!! 

Al Graffan 74TR6 with all new chromed bumpers, overriders with a face
lift and I still have my two dings on the body . . .   maybe next year.  


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