Sorry, my note was not clear.
Anyone can order from Gunst -- he takes Visa. His web site is mentioned
at Buckeye Triumphs --> technical --> Reliable Clutch.
We only save shipping costs to order as a group -- and he gives 5% off
for orders over 10.
Don Malling wrote:
> Gunst wanna-haves,
> I keep getting requests to be put on the list for extra Gunst bearings
> if there are any left. The standby list is already very long, and there
> was only one bearing from the original list that was not taken, so the
> only chance to get one is to make another order.
> If there is interest, I would be willing to coordinate another order. (I
> can't believe I said that -- what on earth is wrong with me -- it must
> be a sickness).
> Let me know.
> Don Malling