Hi List...
I just recently rebuilt my ZS carbs and thanks to the excellent Buckeye
Triumphs website, it went quite smoothly. I encountered only one problem, one
of my own doing. When I was reassembling one of the carbs, I got a little
carried away putting the white plastic adaptor for the breather hose back on
the carb and managed to crack it almost all the way down the plastic. No
problem I thought, call TRF and order a new one. Unfortunately, they dont sell
them anymore. Does anyone on the list have one possibly from a spare carb that
they are robbing of parts or a carb parts bin? I can superglue and/or tape
around the fitting if necessary, but would rather not in case of a possible
leak. I have a 71 TR6 and in the blue parts book, it is on page 63, Plate AX,
part number 78. If someone has one they wouldnt mind parting with, please let
me know how much you would like for it, etc.
Thanks in advance...
Aaron Cropley
Maine (still very cold)