I sent out the Gunst bill last night. If you were on the list, but
didn't receive it, maybe I balled-up your email address.
Let me know if I missed you.
Thanks to Ryan VanLuchene for helping me with this.
Don Malling
1. Richard Seaton (Ground OK air OK) rsh17@msn.com
2. Corey Sherman (Ground Ok Air OK) cm.sherman@verizon.net
3. Robert L. Gannon (Ground OK Air OK) trsix74@comcast.net
4. Seth Glassman 76tr6@optonline.net 76tr6@optonline.net
5. Todd Bermudez (Ground OK Air OK) red_tr250@hotmail.com
6. Jim Henningsen (Ground OK Air OK) jdhenn@cfl.rr.com
7. Darrell Ramsey (Ground OK Air OK) ramseyfarm@earthlink.net
8. Don Malling (Ground OK air OK)
9. Ryan VanLuchene (needs air) RPVanLuchene@lbl.gov
10. David Friedlander (Air) forzion@maine.rr.com
11. Jim Crawl (Ground OK air OK) crawlj@nehc.med.navy.mil
12. Dave Schuler (Ground OK Air OK) DRS74TR6@msn.com
13. Rick Orthen (Ground OK Air OK) orthen@sgi.net
14. Kevin Eschhofen (Ground OK Air OK) KEschhofen@aol.com
15. Cosmo Kramer (Wants Ground doesn't want air)
17. Steve Pike (2) (Ground Ok Air OK) marblepea@mindspring.com
20. Bob Erickson (3) Ground OK Air OK) oldenglish@searchbug.com
21. Mike Jones (Ground OK air OK) jonesmp@prodigy.net
22. Rob Pennington (Ground OK) robp@ncsa.uiuc.edu
23. Glenn Rierson (Ground OK air OK) glenn.rierson@verizon.net>
24. John Davis (Ground OK Air OK) N2K9S2@aol.com
26. Gary Fuqua (2) (ground OK air OK) GSFuqua1@aol.com
27. Larry Hainer (ground Ok air OK) larry@brtconsulting.com
28. Mark Lasseigne (Ground OK) oceans@delcambre.net
30. Bill Sysman (2) (Ground OK air OK) WMSYSMAN@aol.com
31. Michael Samuels (Ground OK Air OK) Samuelsma@aol.com
32. Nick Gemas (Ground Ok Air OK) gln@worldpath.net
33. Steve Yeager (Ground OK air OK) Yeag67@aol.com
34. Bob Kraeuter kraeuter@erols.com
35. Mike Smith Jmsmith65@aol.com
36. Fred McNutt MCMEGANUTT@aol.com
37. Jim Lynch Jltr6@aol.com