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Sleeves for the six?

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Sleeves for the six?
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 15:19:45 -0800 (PST)
List---Below is more or less a sequence of events regarding whether or
not the Triumph Six blocks contain factory sleeves:

1) Shane wrote in a post to Darcy stating that the sixes block is not

2) Bob Lang replied to this, saying that these blocks are (dry) sleeved. 

3) Berry posed the question, asking Bob to check again, and for the
reason for such sleeving.

4) Phil answered Berry, saying all TR blocks are sleeved.

5) I didn't think they were, but  didn't study this area before my own
block went out for reboring, some 12 years ago. So I checked some
literature I had and read this: A) Bentley, and the TR Repair Manual
stated that when the bore limit is reached for the size of available
pistons, it is then necessary to overbore the cylinders to 3.060, so
that sleeves may be fitted to get the original bore size back to
standard. (Noting that it did not say in one of the steps to "press out
the old sleeves".
Knowing that books sometimes have pieces missing, I reached out to
others who have been exposed to the subject far more than I.  Some never
responded. Of those that did, this was their reply: 

6) John, of "JONMAC" says he recently overbored his block and fitted it
with sleeves. Also, spare blocks from a 71 PI and a GT6 show no sleeves
in them. 

7) Kastner says "no sleeves".

8) TRF "Dave" says he has never seen a factory six block with " sleeves
in all cylinders, only an occasional one that had a cylinder repaired
with such a sleeve."
9) Berry, now with a dog in the fight, was forced to use some elbow
grease to clean up an early block he had, to more closely examine it. He
found what looked like the "outline of sleeves", but thought this could
also have been the  impression of the head gasket O-rings. The bottom of
this block showed no evidence of any sleeves. This had him believing
this one had...no sleeves.

I'm surmising that what led those to think was a factory sleeve, could
have been the recess machined into the cylinders of later blocks.  We
know different gaskets are used to reflect this change.
The "impression" of the gasket in the early (used) blocks may also look
to be the outline of a sleeve.                            Could this be
what has caused this difference in responses to Shane's original post?


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