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Looking for a LHD TR5

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Looking for a LHD TR5
From: GBidder5@aol.com
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2003 10:52:45 EST
Members of the List - 

I've been enjoying reading your correspondence for the past few months and 
learning a helluva lot in the process.  Great stuff.

I'm looking for a LHD TR5 to accompany my '76 TR6 (13k original miles) and 
'66 Sunbeam Tiger (260 - restored).  I've been close on several occasions, 
only to learn through a check of commission and engine numbers (the British 
Heritage Motor Centre is very helpful) that the cars were really TR-250's, 
converted to TR5's.

Does anyone have a lead on an original TR5 in North America or elsewhere 
which might be for sale or suggestions on where I might track one down?  I am 
in regular contact with several European auto salons/galleries, read the 
British car mags regularly and scan the internet daily but haven't yet hit 
pay dirt.

Thanks for your consideration.  

Alex Greene

1976 TR6 CF55958UO
1966 Sunbeam Tiger B382000641LRXFE

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