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Re: BeaveRun Trial Balloon #2

To: fot@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: BeaveRun Trial Balloon #2
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2003 17:41:36 -0500 (EST)

(Apolgies for the cross-posting)

Okay - we're getting closer to trying to "push" this one. As you may
recall, about 6 weeks ago, the idea of holding a motorsport event _prior_
to the VTR/TRF Summer Party came up on this list (and the big Triumphs
list and probably 6 pack). There was a very positive response from that
initial trial balloon. And there were quite a few respondents.

So Bruce Stutzman talked "rates" with the management and availability.
Note: facility availability is not guaranteed for the road course because
there is a possible event conflict with a car manufacturer.

Here are a couple of possible options:

1. autocross/solo on the .8 mile kart track (the track is 26 feet wide, so
it is suitable for a solo event of some kind). This would be CHEAP, figure
$20 / car 15 car min. for break even.

2. autocross on the autocross pad. Any course design is doable, this is a
fairly large paved area. Cost: CHEAP, $20/car, 15 cars min. for break

3. time-trial / open track on the road course. This would be on the "north
track" and would be set up to allow cars with good rollover protection a
chance to stretch thier feet. It would (likely) be a "no passing" type
situation for any street cars and it could be set up to allow more general
practice for cars that are prepped with better safety equipment. Think
more of a high-speed driver school than wheel-to-wheel racing. Cost:
EXPENSIVE, $150 / car, 30 car min. for break even. There could be a higher
per car cost if there was a smaller number of committed participants (e.g.
$225 for 20 cars etc).

Note: if option 3 is selected, then the rest of the facility could be used
as part of the package. This would allow autocrossers to autocross and
road racers to play at higher speeds (if that seems of interest to
possible participants).

Note: the price of renting the entire track includes corner workers and
stuff (including insurance) - this is actually pretty reasonable. And it
helps the participants focus on driving instead of other stuff.

The only drawback to option 3 is getting 30 attendees to commit (or to get
a sponsor and 20 or so commited racers). We could conceivably work out a
mixed price structure with option 3 with autocrossers paying one fee and
road racers another, but I don't want this to get too confusing or

The possibility of a conflict for the track does exist, but a commitment
SOON might work in our favor. In the event of a conflict for the track,
there is still the possibility of an autocross event on the kart track or
autocross pad.

So, who would be willing to COMMIT to this venture? We're talking about
holding the event on either Weds. or Thurs. (6 or 7 Aug, 2003) at BeaveRun
race facility about 75 miles from Armagh.

Please submit your comments and preferences to me ASAP, I'll try to
compile a list to see if we can meet the criteria. Once I get that, I'll
talk to VTR and/or TRF about co-hosting/advertising or whatever. I'd
really like to get commitments soon so that we can promote this activity
(and increase the chance of success).

I think this would be a really great opportunity to get a larger number of
racing Triumphs to come to VTR this year. Even if not, I would really like
the VTR autocross to be Triumphs only with VTR rules... I'm pretty sure
I'm not the only one that plans to attend that is concerned about running
an autocross with the other British cars. I don't mean to "dis" any other
marques, I just think a VTR national should have TRIUMPHS competing for


p.s. if there is anyone from TRF or VTR on this list that objects to this
event possibility - PLEASE SPEAK UP (to me directly)! I'll also accept
positive comments. :-) 
Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
Consultant            MIT unix-vms-help        |
Voice:617-253-7438    FAX: 617-258-9535        |

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