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Re: oil light

To: SamuelsMA@aol.com
Subject: Re: oil light
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 23:51:57 -0800 (PST)
Michael----From the top of the dipstick tube to where the oil level
should read "FULL" is 9-9/16". (You can mark this off on a coat hanger,
or something.)
As you know it is not a good idea to overfill the crankcase, as the
crank can whip the oil into a froth. If you find you're over by anything
close to a quart, it would be worth your time to let some out. 
One quart is equal to about 3/4" on the stick.

When the oil pressure switch screwed into the block senses a few pounds
of pressure, it loses its ground and is supposed to 'signal' the light
on the dash to turn off. (This is the switch with the three wires on
it.) Others that have 'been here' more recently than I can be more
specific.  Meanwhile, I'd check the level and trust the oil gauge till
the light issue is resolved.


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