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RE: Partial removal from list

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Partial removal from list
From: "Jim Swarthout" <jswarth1@tampabay.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2002 22:34:46 -0500

Think about what they are insinuating.

Complaint:  I'm finding I'm getting inundated with 6-pack mail (mostly 
Good), some I could do without!

Answer:  Hasn't this always been the case with a list? Yes I have felt
the same way! But I'm not complaining...Excuse me, I do have one
request...Open the server so that diagrams and photos may be
included...maybe an 80-90K limit per message.

Complaint: we're inundated with useless information I
can see why you're looking for a partial removal.  I joined the list, as
with most, to get nuts and bolts advice, even if it's redundant.

Answer:  I, "especially", like the useless information comment! I myself
am certain that more valuable info has been passed through this list,
"BY MEMBERS", in the last 10 days, than has been discussed in the past
60. I don't think that anyone who "responded" to my post has put forth a
useless effort! How about you guys?

As a matter of fact they should all be commended for actually liking

I could start the "Jim Show", I won't do it, I know it's rude to some!!!
I don't understand this mentality, but I will respect it, and keep my
mouth shut

Jim Swarthout

-----Original Message-----

6-pack,  How could I remove myself from receiving all of the e-mails 
generated everyday, yet still have access to the information (?archives)

when I need it..I'm finding I'm getting inundated with 6-pack mail
good, some I could do without)..Thanks, Drew,

At the current rate in which we're inundated with useless information I
can see why you're looking for a partial removal.  I joined the list, as
with most, to get nuts and bolts advice, even if it's redundant.  

Al Graffam  74TR6  CT.

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