On Sun, 1 Dec 2002, Timothy Holbrook wrote:
> I still don't understand this. I realize that the factory would have
> dynamically balanced the prop shaft and axle shafts, but they wouldn't
> have done this while the shafts were connected to the diff and tranny.
> Therefore, why does it make a difference how you bolt the shafts to the
> flanges? And if indeed it does make a difference, what is the right
> orientation of the shaft flanges to the diff/tranny flanges? The
> factory would have had to direct the assembly line workers on the
> correct assembly orientation, right? This would be pretty useful
> information to document on the 6pack list, considering the fact that
> many of us have had these shafts out once or twice, and may have
> replaced tranny's and/or diffs at some point (in my case, both). More
> info please!
I hope one of the UK list members picks up on this discussion.
I don't actually know that big TRs dynamically balanced the shafts once
However, I do know anecdotally via conversations with Paul Richardson that
Heralds were notorious for driveline vibrations after assembly, and it was
common in the early days to support the cars on jacks with one person
under the car and another running the car up though the gears and adding
universal hose clamps to the shafts to get them to balance out... in other
words, the vibration would be confirmed and a clamp would be added and the
car the "run up" to motorway speeds. If the vibration was still noted, the
clamp would be rotated about the shaft 'till the vibration was gone.
Bottom line - get your shaft blanced after you switch u-joints. Try to
mark the shaft orientation when you take it out. THis should save you from
any dynamic shaft balance problems.
> Tim Holbrook
> 1971 TR6 (with a wicked vibration over 75ish)
But where's the vibration? In the seat or in the steering wheel?
I've had vibrations from out of round tires, poorly balanced tires, um
loose lug nuts!, bad u-joints and other maladies.
FWIW, my street car has a minor vibration at 80+. I have to look into that
over the winter.
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