Doncha just love statistics at face value!
For the record, many "vintage" race organizations do not
require fuel cells... or rollbars in very early cars....
But then we know Vintage Racing is not really *racing*
Jim Hill wrote:
> It was written:
> > I know that the auto-racing sanctioning bodies require fuel
> > cells, but there is an interesting fact: statistically, more cars
> > burn in competition with fuel cells than with stock fuel tanks
> > after an accident that impacts upon the tank.
> Interesting . . . but I have no idea what this statistic means. Given your
> premise ("the auto-racing sanctioning bodies require fuel cells"), there
> would be a total of Zero cars "with stock fuel tanks". If ALL of the cars
> that burn in competition are equipped with fuel cells, how does one make a
> comparison to cars with stock fuel tanks?
> A plastic bottle with no internal bladder--such as might be permitted in a
> drag race--hardly constitues a "fuel cell".
> Jim Hill
> Madison WI