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Re: first/second gate 'disappears'...

To: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Subject: Re: first/second gate 'disappears'...
From: George Loriot <George_Loriot@brown.edu>
Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2002 08:25:44 -0400
Dick and others:

You were correct - a 'wedgelok' bolt (as Bentley calls it) just unscrewed 
from the selector fork and fell into the case.  I drained the oil (which 
was perfectly black, no gray color or brass filings) and somehow fished the 
bolt out of the case with a magnetic picker-upper.  It wasn't broken, just 
unscrewed and fell out.  A little bit chipped where it hit moving gears, 
but since there was no clunk or other horrible sounds I'm hoping it just 
glanced off the gears and lay still, instead of getting nasty and jamming 
the gears and then cracking the case.

SO I look around a bit and - 4 bolts are missing from the 
bellhousing-to-rear-plate attachment.  Just gone.  Can see daylight through 
the holes.

Is this common on a tr6?  I've seen lots of bellhousing and never saw bolts 
missing.  Do British bolts have a tendency to unscrew?  I can hear them 
now, chatting among themselves:

"what say percy, shall we give this Yank a treat and just unscrew ourselves?'"
"Jolly good oliver, let's do that, and tap on the top cover whilst doing it 
so we can give old first/second wedgelok the same idea."

A question: should I replace the other selector fork bolt, just for 
safety?  And I suppose I should use loktite?  Any other suspects to 
tighten/replace?  Thanks for your help and expertise.

George Loriot
1976 TR6

At 03:55 PM 10/4/02 -0700, Sally or Dick Taylor wrote:
>George---I could be something as simple as a loose or broken bolt that
>holds the selector or its fork to the selector shaft. You'll be able to
>tell when removing the top cover to the gearbox.

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