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Re: New engine with a "hitch"

To: drm@maine.rr.com (Don McGilvery)
Subject: Re: New engine with a "hitch"
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 11:40:28 -0700 (PDT)
Don---I'm for keeping simple things simple. Adding aftermarket items
like MSD (tho they're a great unit) should not be necessary to solve
your problem with the misfire/hitch. You didn't have this a few hundred
miles ago. 
I couldn't tell from your post if you changed the points during the
rebuild, or in an attempt to solve the misfire. I will suggest that you
check again the point gap, and timing These are susceptable to "closing
up" during the first few hundred miles after installing. This will
retard the timing, so set them again to .015 or 35 deg. if you have a
dwell meter.  Then set the timing closer to 12 deg. BTDC with all vacuum
lines plugged. Reconnect them later, if you wish. 

You'll have to decide if the plug wires are still useable. They can be
tested for resistance, but at about $12 for a new set, it may not be
worth the bother if they are old. 

A vacuum gauge connected somewhere off the intake manifold is a useful
tool, and sometimes a little raw fuel from a propane torch can be used
to detect vacuum leaks if your readings are low or erratic.

 "Rich" carbs can bog an engine down, but usually won't cause what you
are feeling, unless they eventually foul the plugs. My first choice here
is that it is ignition related.


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