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RE: TR6 Differential Removal and Inspection

To: "Dave Massey" <105671.471@compuserve.com>
Subject: RE: TR6 Differential Removal and Inspection
From: "Pappin,Ian" <ianp@nait.ab.ca>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 14:22:45 -0600
Hi Dave,

You raise a good point.  I'm refering to radial play.  I had ~3/4" radial play 
that was enough to cause a "chunk" similar to one I have experienced with bad 
u-joints. I do not know how much is allowable or would necessitate a tear down 
of the diff.  I was just very happy to have eliminated the obvious fluid leaks, 
eliminated complete failure (here's hoping),  and the noise under power with 
the one fix!

Thanks, Ian

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Massey [mailto:105671.471@compuserve.com]
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 12:21 PM
To: Pappin,Ian
Cc: triumphs; 6pack; Hugh Fader; [unknown]
Subject: RE: TR6 Differential Removal and Inspection

Message text written by "Pappin,Ian"
>I just put my diff back in yesterday after the rebuild.  The visible
pinion endplay you describe was much worse on my part (as much as 3/4") and
turned out to be the lateral gears and not the crown/pinion assembly.  This
play had me thinking that I had a bad u-joint.  Rebuild with "good used"
gears including all seals was $375.00 (Cdn) which still exhibited a small
bit of play - something less than 1/16" I'm guessing.  Test drive was very
satisfactory - thunk all gone!.  The install was actually much easier than
removal with the use of a floor jack to lift.  Two people will help greatly
as a little balance is required to keep it on the jack at about a 30 degree
angle to get it up and around the exhaust system.  Once you get it over the
exhaust it should be pretty simple to lift it into place.  

When you say end play do you mean radial or lateral.  Radial means it can
turn a bit before it engages and turns the axle.  This is normal.  Lateral
play means the pinion shaft actually moves forward and back a small amount.
 There should be absolutly none of that.  If you do then either the pinion
nut has come loose 9with any luck) or the crushable washers are collapsing
or the bearings are breaking up (either of which means a tear down.

But installation is straightforward and if it weren't for the weight it
woudl be easy.  Perhaps if you launched the car into orbit, then it would
be easy.



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