Wayne---Crank shaft grooves as you described are too deep to be polished
out with the crank still in the block. A good auto machine shop will
want to cut the journals down to the next available bearing oversize. It
will be necessary to measure the crank to see where it's at. Our TR
suppliers have them in sizes from stock, to +.010, .020 and I think .030
It's not necessarily so that a worn crank means that the cam shaft is
also worn out, but fairly safe to say as a general statement for a high
mileage engine. Measurement of the lobes will confirm this.
The Robert Bentley manual is a very good investment when doing any major
work. I have found it nearly identical to the TR6 Workshop Manual. (Some
differences occur in parts of the wiring diagrams) Some mistakes and
typos show up in both manuals, so one must've copied the other for this
to have happened. Still, following either manual should get your engine
back to good condition.
Dick T.