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Re: PDWA shuttle needed: FollowUp

To: "James Tabor" <jattr6@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: PDWA shuttle needed: FollowUp
From: Skip Montanaro <skip@pobox.com>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 21:58:32 -0500
    James> the reason i ask is because i am trying to find a shuttle for you
    James> my friend.  :-) I have dug up a PDWA and need to take it apart.
    James> but i am having trouble extracting the shuttle though to make an
    James> inspection for you.  any insights/advice?

I find I can grab the shuttle in my PDWA with a pair of needlenose pliers,
but I expect that won't work with the later ones (they are much thicker at
the ends so they can support the o-rings).

    James> do you still need a good shuttle?

I am indeed, though I plan to check with a local auto parts store tomorrow
to see if they can fix me up with various brass bits to replace the PDWA

Much appreciated,

Skip Montanaro
consulting: http://manatee.mojam.com/~skip/resume.html

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