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RE: Boot Light, model year

To: <SHicks@northatlantic.nf.ca>
Subject: RE: Boot Light, model year
From: "Derek Graham" <Derek.Graham@ukgateway.net>
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 17:40:20 +0100
Hi Stephen,

You ask whether there is a register of serial number and engine numbers
relevant to the 74 or 75 cars. I hold the TR6 records for the UK car club
the TR Register and have the following information that should be of help to
you in determining which model you have. The 1974 models ran from commission
no CF12501 to CF25777, and were built from 27/08/73 up to 18/09/74, 1974 1/2
models ran from commission number CF27002 to CF31416 and were built from
22/08/74 (note the overlap with the 74 cars) up to 03/02/75, 1975 models ran
from commission number CF35002 to CF39991 and were built from 03/02/75 up to
Engine numbers tend to mirror the commission numbers within a couple of
hundred either side.
Hope that this helps

Derek Graham

Subject: Re: Boot Light, model year

At 11:46 AM 6/13/2002 -02-30, you wrote:
>My question is, does the
>boot light only work when the park lights are turned on?
>Also the plate on my car shows the build date as January 1975 but the
>compartment shows no emission controls of a 75, and is identical to a 74
>donor car I have. Is there a registrar of serial number and engine numbers
>to find out if the engine has been replaced. Or could it be possible that
>the car is an original 75 built to 74 specs.

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