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Petronix Ignition

To: 6Pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Petronix Ignition
From: Gameparker@cs.com
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2002 16:18:04 EDT
thought I'd contribute for once, instead of ask...  Do yourselves a favor, if 
you're running electronic ignition and having problems with a low or high 
speed miss (in my case both), and the timing seems spot on, swap out your new 
fangled ignition for the old points just to see...  Beautiful idle, nice plug 
color, but I was having a terrible spluttering above 3000 rpms and a low rpm 
miss which I could have sworn was a fuel delivery issue.  Threw in the old 
points this morning and magic...  Just to make sure threw the petronix back 
in and hesitation city.  Points in again and sweetness and light.  Petronix 
will be hearing from me on Monday morning...
Regards to all,
Geoff Parker
'74 TR7
Go Senegal...

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