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Re: Head work - recommendations for machine shop

To: "Shane Ingate" <madmax_xx@hotmail.com>, "6 Pack"
Subject: Re: Head work - recommendations for machine shop
From: "Kai M. Radicke" <kmr@pil.net>
Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 11:12:58 -0400
Shane Ingate wrote:

> JK Jackson and Richard Good are certainly high on the list.
> PAECO in Alabama also come highly recommended.

Shane, not being far from Richard... you could always drive up to Reading PA
and check out his work if you need to make a decision.  Of course, being
geographically closer it will also save you shipping expenses on those heavy
items!  That said, of those three you listed, Richard would be my choice.

You may also want to talk to Chris at Performance Research Industries
 http://www.prirace.com ).  PRI is considered to be pricey, but power and
winning do come with the expense.  PRI is in California.

Also in the PA area, and not far from Richard, is Power British
 http://www.powerbritish.com/~britcars ).  Brian at PB has put together some
fairly impressive, yet reliable, motors over the years.  Having worked there
one summer in college, I never saw any reason to doubt the quality of their
work.  PB uses some of Richard Good's components as well, and the machine
work is carried out at one of the best performance machine shops in the
Philadelphia area (one with a long history of LBC experience).


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