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installation of the headlight trim rings

To: "6 Pack List (E-mail)" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: installation of the headlight trim rings
From: "Sullivan, John G, MGSVC" <sullij@ATT.COM>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 13:48:54 -0400
I recently replaced the buckets and gaskets on my TR6 headlights. I now find 
that I can't install the trim rings too well. The new buckets are from TRF and 
include the notches at the top and a receiver for a pinning screw. The ring 
appears to be unable to move down enough to engage the notch. I suspect I could 
crimp the trim ring inner edge or trim the rubber gasket away from the notch.

Any suggestions?

John G. Sullivan

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