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TR6 allignment

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>, <triumphs@autox.team.net>
Subject: TR6 allignment
From: "Marc Nederkoorn" <nederkoorn@vinden.nl>
Date: Sat, 4 May 2002 21:00:19 +0200
Hello listers,

First let me introduce myself after following the list in digest for some
time now. I am finishing the body off restoration of a '74 TR6 that spent
the first twenty-something years in California and after that found its way
to the Netherlands, into my garage. The list has been a great resource
sofar, many questions had their answers before they became questions for me.
Also I got to know some fellow Dutch TR owners (Hi Lennart).

The TR6 is nearly finished and will be alligned next Friday. The shop is
knowledgeable and competent, however has fancy equipment that measuers
toe-in in degrees. My manuals only give toe-in in inches or mm's: back is
1/32 - 1/16 toe-in, front is 1/16 to 1/32. I could calculate the degrees if
I knew how toe-in is measured: center to rim, edge of rim to edge of rim,
across the wheel? This makes a big difference so who can help me out?

Second question is about mounting the top. On the rear side it is fixed to
the body tub with five bolts through a metal strip where the top is glued
on. Is there any kind of sealing between the strip and the body, I find no
clues in various manuals and supplier catalogues.

1974 TR6 (almost) ready to roll!!!

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