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awakening from winters nap

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: awakening from winters nap
From: "Phillip J. Pallone" <ppallones@core.com>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 19:40:59 -0800

I have received such good advise from all of you in the past, I thought you
could help with this one.  It may have been posted before - but I'm sure we
all could use the reminding.

For those of us who live in the NE USA (where cold means snow and not just
time for a wind breaker), is there anything special we should do in order to
bring our cars back to life, with as little damage and unnecessary wear as

(my 74 has been up on stands since early fall, hasn't been started or turned
over - just covered in the back of my garage.  I have an aftermarket fuel pump
- so there isn't a priming handle.  I used a little of that "gas-protect"
during my last fill-up, but other than that, didn't do anything special.)

Thanks again.

Phil Pallone
74 - CF22155U
(and, yes, its snowing right now - the roads were just loosing their layer of
finely ground salt - I'm sure they will salt again tonite)

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