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Question about tires

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Question about tires
From: George Loriot <George_Loriot@brown.edu>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 11:18:14 -0500
I'm new to this list (just bought my TR6 last summer, and have been 
learning about it) and have a question about replacement tires. I think I 
saw someone post their experience with modern tires recently, but I can't 
find the posting. So here's the question:
Will I experience better ride and handling with modern, non-redline tires 
than with what I now have, which look like original-type Michelin 
redlines?  I think the poster used Michelin 705/15 radials; I would hate to 
lose the redlines but if the handling and ride are improved I'll go for it.
My current tires have tubes, on steel rims.  Is there any problem with 
going tubeless on these rims?  For example, do the rims actually hold air?

Any help would be appreciated.

BTW I really really like this TR6 - first one I ever had...

George Loriot
1976 TR6

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