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Re: TR6 paint

To: "James Franks" <jimmble@adelphia.net>,
Subject: Re: TR6 paint
From: jdhenn@cfl.rr.com
Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2002 11:05:31 US/Eastern
It is PPG paint. The painter put three coats and buffed in between 
each one.  He also painted the engine bay and trunk interior.  I pulled as much 
as possible from the engine bay to make it easier. Now to put it all back.  I 
did get a bit of overspray on the one carpet piece that was installed and can't 
seem to get it completely clean.  I used a product called Goof-off, I just hope
it doesn't ruin the carpet.
Kissimmee FL
75 TR6 (CF35914U)
80 TR7

> Nice work Jim! It's gonna be a beauty.
> What kind of paint did you use?
> Keep up the good work, Jim

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