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Re: Leaking shifter rod seals

To: Cliff Davies <cdavies@holzher.com>
Subject: Re: Leaking shifter rod seals
From: Jim Davis <jdavis@ldl.net>
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2001 09:08:22 -0500
The job is not difficult, but a bit time consuming to get the springs 
and little ball bearings back in place. Follow the directions in the 
Bentley / Haynes manuals and you should not have any problems. To remove 
the detent cups I just tapped one side of the cup with a small flat 
blade screwdriver and it rotated so I could get a pair of needle nose 
plyers on it to pull it out. New plugs are (were, when I did mine about 
6 months ago) available from TRF. I have some if you can't find them 
Good luck!
Jim Davis
Foertson., GA

Cliff Davies wrote:

>While in the process of removing my transmission tunnel
>I noticed alot of oil on the inside of the tunnel and 
>on the base of the transmission. From further inspection
>it seems the oil is coming from the point where the shifter 
>rods enter the tranny(non OD). There are 3 seals on these rods according
>to various parts books and I suspect they are shot. Are these easy to
>change? any special tools? I am in the process of lifting the body off and
>had no plans for tranny work.
>73 TR6 

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