I will save the bandwidth by not reiterating the comments of Pete and
Aprille Chadwell and others who voiced similar opinions on the Mac vs
Windows OSs. I will simply say that I agree with them and, additionally,
add the following few thoughts.
Most of the people I know that are critical of the Mac have never used
one long enough to have an informed opinion. Those who are familiar with
both platforms know that the Windows concept in general, Graphic User
Interface (GUI), What You See Is What You Get (WYSEIWYG), plain english
naming of folders and documents, Drop Down Menus, Icons, Desktops,
trash cans, and a host of other common features, were all "borrowed"
from the Macintosh OS.
Another thing to remember is that the Internet doesn't really care which
OS a person is using. Downloading, uploading, pictures, graphics, movies
and communicating in general is seamless.
It's interesting that we ourselves are a minority among car enthusiasts
in that we prefer LBCs instead of, say American muscle cars, and yet we
are "critical" of those who prefer a Macintosh OS. ?
Anyway, let's get back to Triumphs.
Bob Fabie
Fredericksburg, Va
'75 TR6
Macintosh OS 7.1
Dell Windows 98
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