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Re: Triumphs in the movies

To: HalMorton@webtv.net (Harold M. Morton)
Subject: Re: Triumphs in the movies
From: Will <tr6@mac.com>
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 23:35:31 +0100
>Listers,                                                         Some
>time ago I stumbled across a site that had a listing of where Triumphs
>could be seen in old movies and television shows.  I`ve just spent about
>an hour of (clumsy) searching, and haven`t been able to find it again.
>Can anyone help steer me to it?  (I may have a TR250 "sighting" to add-
>subject to verification- if I can get it on tape.)
>Hal Morton                                                  Pascagoula,

I think this is the page you are looking for:


William Davies
1975 TR6 PI

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