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RE: Old Tires

To: "Creamer, Mark" <CreamerM@cintas.com>
Subject: RE: Old Tires
From: Skip Montanaro <skip@pobox.com>
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 16:20:09 -0500
    Mark> How can I determine on a car purchased 1 1/2 years ago approx how
    Mark> old my tires are? They're redline Michelin X, and they "look"
    Mark> really new. I've been thinking about getting a set of everyday
    Mark> drive wheels and tires and hang the redlines up for shows only -
    Mark> maybe I should do so sooner rather than later

Could be they are Diamondbacks:


I don't know how to tell how old they are, but Diamondback may be able to
help you out there.

Skip Montanaro (skip@pobox.com)

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