I also have the GP3 cam and have shaved the head to give me close to 10:1
compression ratio. I've also have three ZS carbs courtesy of Good Parts
triple intake. This system works very well and the set up was a lot easier
than with Weber carbs.
I have not had any personal experience with Weber carbs, however I know of 4
people in our club who purchased, installed and removed the webers as they
found them a pain in the @##. There are also several club members who have
them and they swear by them, however it seems to have taken them years to get
them set up to where they are happy with them and they still continue to
tinker with them.
My car is not a race car by any means, but it now has vastly superior
performance to the stock set up. I am really happy with the way the car works
at a fraction of the price and headaches of Webers
Your choice.
Stuart Beatty
76 Carmine
Belleville, Ontario
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Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 16:27:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ryan Miles <rjhmile@yahoo.com>
Subject: Triple Webers
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I have a TR6 with a fresh engine that has a GP3 cam,
1.55 roller rockers, and 9.5:1 compression. I now want
to add a third carb, be it Weber or ZS. My question is
are any of you guys running the triple Webers, and do
you like them? I'm up for some trouble with the
initial tune in, but I don't want to have something
that I have to constantly tune.
Thanks in advance
Ryan Miles
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