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Re: Fw: 74 tr6 problems

To: slatonj@vci.net (Jeff Slaton)
Subject: Re: Fw: 74 tr6 problems
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 23:30:41 -0700 (PDT)
Jeff---First thing I'd do here is to try isolating the problem into one
of two catagories--Fuel or spark. The answer from there might be tough
to find, but at least you might be able to tell if the carbs (Both?) ran
out of fuel, or if the engine ultimately quit from lack of spark at the
plug wires.

Would it quit running if merely allowed to idle for a short time, or
must it be on the road? If this will happen while running in your
garage, load up the engine with test equipment, like a dwell meter,
vacuum gauge, a test light on the wire to the coil (+) side. Watch all
of these instruments for change as the engine comes to a stop.      
Immediately after the engine stops running would be the best time to
check for fuel in the carbs, and/or spark at the plugs.     
There's other possibilities that could cause an engine to die shortly
after starting that's not related to one of the two above, but better to
test the most probable ones first.

Dick Taylor

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