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An alternative SS header manufacturer

To: "6pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: An alternative SS header manufacturer
From: "Jerry Shaw" <jcs104@home.com>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 15:12:58 -0400
Racetorations at http://www.racetorations.co.uk seems to have them in two
flavors (RCT77) which they call TR5 - 6 S/S 6 - 1 Fast Road and Race
Supersports manifold. I don't know the difference between Fast Road and
Race, except that I think the Race version has larger tubes, but these guys
claim to use computer numerical control machining (welding, too?) to reduce
the variations in manufacturing tolerances or so they say. They go for 265
BP, and, no, I don't own stock in the company. Maybe they're a reseller for
Rimmer, but let's hope not.
Jerry Shaw
'74 TR6 Saphire Blue
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Friedlander" <forzion@maine.rr.com>
To: "6pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: defective header/manifold and exhaust

> Corey;
> Looks like it's time for a trip to Ye Olde Muffler Shoppe for a bit of
> tweaking of the pipes. Boy, suddenly Rimmer's been getting quite a bit of
> "reputation scuffing!" Sounds like they've worked hard for it.
> But with all the header problems folks have had, does anyone have a
> stainless alternative? I mean aside from Falcon, does anyone make a
> system for 6's with which listers have had good success?
> Dave Friedlander
> CF25194UO
> corey.sherman@rcn.com wrote:
> > This is very timely... I ordered last month a Stainless Steel Exhaust
> > (RR1167SS) from Rimmer Bros for my 71 TR6, and had various issues too.
> >
> > Rimmer "Offer No.3 Atlanta Parts" sale basically offered parts that were
> > pre-shipped and duty paid to Atlanta -- a Stainless exhaust with
> > for $205... not a bad deal.
> >
> > The box arrived pretty beaten up by RPS (FedEx subcontrator) but that's
> > another story. After the installation, the muffler doesn't look quite
> > right. After installing the exhaust system, I noticed that the twin
> > tailpipes are not level - left pipe hangs lower than the right. I tried
> > adjusting my old brackets/straps, but they don't make up the difference.
> > installed new straps form TRF, but no difference. The right of the
> > can't be lowered due to the Breast Plate (Rimmer part: lower,RR1321).
> >
> > I've written Rimmer, but their auto-mail reply states the sales rep
> > be back til May 29 (probably a typo, more likely August 29th).
> >
> > Take a look at my pictures... any advice would be appreciated.
> >
> > http://users.rcn.com/corey.sherman/exhaust/DSC00003.JPG
> > http://users.rcn.com/corey.sherman/exhaust/DSC00004.JPG
> > http://users.rcn.com/corey.sherman/exhaust/DSC00005.JPG
> > http://users.rcn.com/corey.sherman/exhaust/DSC00006.JPG
> > http://users.rcn.com/corey.sherman/exhaust/DSC00007.JPG
> > http://users.rcn.com/corey.sherman/exhaust/DSC00008.JPG
> > ________________________
> > Corey Sherman
> > corey.sherman@rcn.com

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