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Re: Turn signal cancellation

To: "Six pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Turn signal cancellation
From: "James Franks" <jimmble@adelphia.net>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 21:10:51 -0400
Nope....... take a close look at the rack and you'll see that the 'flat'
is in fact a groove around the entire shaft. ( I looked before I said
anything )

I'm bummed, no cherry.  ;^(   LOL


----- Original Message -----
From: "Sally or Dick Taylor" <tr6taylor@webtv.net>
To: "James Franks" <jimmble@adelphia.net>
Cc: "Six pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 7:57 PM
Subject: Re: Turn signal cancellation

> Jim---I didn't include recentering the turn signal cancelling cam the
> way you described because I don't think it can be done that way. Since
> haven't personally had to do any steering work here, I may be
> overlooking something. It appears that any time a pinch bolt is used
> thru a 'flat' in a shaft, it can only go back together by this bolt
> passing thru this same flat. In short, one could pull the intermediate
> shaft from the universal and relocate it to a different spline
> but then the pinch bolt wouldn't go back in. This is true at several
> locations in the steering shaft. If you have personally found this to
> different than what I see, please set me straight. (You're not getting
> cherry) !
> Dick Taylor

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