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Important Special Notice...

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Important Special Notice...
From: "Mike" <74@tr6world.com>
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2001 09:59:37 -0400
Hello 6-PACK List & Digest subscribers.  

For the past year, many of the British Car list archives at Listquest.com 
(including 6-PACK's) at times, have not been accessible.  Repeated problems, 
servers being down and even list mail not being archived have initiated this 
special note.  

We did this once before.  

I need to speak with someone who works with Perl scripting and or writes Perl 

I also need to hear from any list member who has been keeping digests or list 
mail on their own computer. 

Please e-mail me off list at websixpack@6-pack.org .  Please do not e-mail the 
list regarding this topic.

Thanks for your help.

Mike Brinker
6-PACK List Coordinator

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