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Re: TR6 Crankshaft End Play/Thrust Washers

To: gklein@toad.net (Gary & Priscilla Klein)
Subject: Re: TR6 Crankshaft End Play/Thrust Washers
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 23:59:21 -0700 (PDT)
Gary---First, on the old squeal-- yes. I would think that the
combination of a worn thrust washer against an irregular crank face
could produce a squeal when the clutch is being depressed. Or even more
so with the clutch engaged, if the washers weren't holding oil or had no
working space at all. You didn't say how the thrust washer(s) were
improperly installed during overhaul, but my guess is that it wasn't the
.004 clearance that caused the problem, but the possibility that the
rear washer was installed backwards.  As mentioned in an earlier reply
to you, I run with even less clearance than you tried, and didn't have
the accelerated wear or squeal here.

Since it appears the crank face now doesn't match the surface of any new
thrust washer, the best thing to do now is to somehow clean up the
crank. A shop that specializes in crank grinds probably would be able to
restore the surface. Then you could use an oversize 'washer to reset the

Is the block OK in this area?

If taking out the crank is unappealing at this time, you could try
cleaning everything up as best possible with a good file and Emery
cloth, then leave the clearance around .008.  Not the best solution by
any stretch, but you could get the car back on the road, if this is
important.  Then check the back and forth regularly.


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