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Re: Paint shop in Northern California?

To: tlofgren@interwoven.com (Tom Lofgren)
Subject: Re: Paint shop in Northern California?
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 23:27:11 -0800 (PST)
Tom---You can expect to pay a bit more for your paint job just because
you live in the Bay Area. (Isn't everything?)  But $9500 is pretty
steep, even with the extra body work. I just had three estimates to
repaint mine here in the L.A. area. They were $4,000--$4,000--and
$5,000. The last one was a shop that does mostly custom work, and you
pay for his signature. (Gaylord)  This included remove a few small
dings, complete removal of anything that was to be painted 'behind it.'
Such as all chrome work, decals, headlights, grille, moldings, etc.  I
would be responsible to provide all replacement gaskets, decals, tonneau
snaps, that couldn't be removed without damaging them.  IMRON paint was
the choice. Everything done but deep in the engine compartment, for
which they would give me extra paint, to do "later." 

I'll probably do it before Spring. Dang--I hate to give up my car for
3-4 weeks!

Dick T.

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